ART BASEL LIVE September 21-26

‘Art Basel Live' is an exciting digital initiative extending the physical Basel show online from September 21–26, 2021. It will remain open to the public until September 26, 12 midnight CET.

The Online Viewing Rooms will provide the opportunity to explore the presentations of Basel exhibitors, from works from the show floor to rare online exclusives. Presentations from Unlimited and Parcours sectors will also be on view by way of dedicated Viewing Rooms. Developed specifically to provide insight into these large-scale and site-specific projects, these rooms will be supplemented with an audio guide featuring their respective sector curators, Giovanni Carmine and Samuel Leuenberger.

An exclusive digital VIP program will accompany 'Art Basel Live', and feature both virtual on-site and OVR Walk-throughs – led by Art Basel's VIP Representatives, in addition to impressive art world figures.


Partial physical installation of 'Math goes art" will be exhibited in Zurich at Gerbert & Stauffer Fine Arts, opens on 17th Sep 2021


Science+Technology+Arts = STARTS Initiative / Ars Electronica Festival 2021